2 Year Funding for New CaRE2 Pilot Projects

Overview: The NCI funded Florida-California Cancer Research, Education and Engagement (CaRE2) Health Equity Center brings together unique expertise and resources from the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU), University of Florida Health Cancer Center (UFHCC), and University of Southern California Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (USC Norris) to eliminate cancer health disparities in Florida and California.

Purpose: This Expression of Interest (EOI) is provided to allow potential applicants the opportunity to develop meaningful collaborations within the CaRE2 partnership for grant development. We seek pilot project applications that focus on cancer health disparities, prioritizing prostate, pancreas, and lung cancers. We will prioritize applications with a translational focus that leverage data and samples acquired by ongoing CaRE2 research projects and/or utilize CaRE2 resources. All applications must include a principal investigator from each of the three institutions. Please visit the CaRE2 website to learn more about our Research emphasis, current and completed projects, and resources: https://care2healthequitycenter.org/. If applicants do not yet have collaborators across the three institutions, please submit your research interests and requests for needed expertise across the partnership so that we can facilitate the identification of suitable collaborators.

Potential Research collaborations will be assessed based on the following main criteria:

  • Does the Research align with the key activities and milestones of the CaRE2 center?
  • Does the Research make a valuable contribution to the CaRE2 center goals?


Deadline: The EOI submission deadline is March 13, 2025. A Virtual Summit on March 17, 2025 at 1pm PT / 4pm ET is an opportunity to identify research partners and learn about the RFA (https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Dtp7KOrWRyGvv5wGP-xVwQ).

Budget: Three (3) Pilot projects each with 3 MPIs one from each institution will be funded up to $120,000 ($40,000 per institution) in direct costs per year for two years. Awards contingent on funding from NCI.

How to Apply

  • Submit Expression of Interest Form Below
  • Submit an NIH biosketch (using the form below)
  • Register for the Virtual Summit March 17 at 1pm ET/10am PT


ItemDue Dates
Call for expression of interest to identify interested investigators (submit form & NIH biosketch)2/5/25
Deadline to submit an expression of interest (submit online form, including NCI biosketch)2/28/25
Information Session and Virtual Summit (SPEED TALKS)3/17/25
Release of RFA (include Priorities and LOI expectations)4/7/25
Letter of Interest (LOI) submission6/2/25
Internal and community advisory committees complete LOI review6/30/25
Selected teams are notified and invited to submit Full applications7/7/25
Deadline to submit full applications10/1/25
Review and recommendation of applications11/15/2025
Preliminary Review of selected applications by Program Steering Committee (PSC)December 2025
Feedback provided to applicants for re-submission of selected applications1/15/2026
Re-submission of applications responsive to PSC feedbackFebruary 2026
Notification of  funding recommendations pending PSC final approvalMarch 1, 2026
PSC Final Project Review and Funding RecommendationsApril 2026
Notification of funding recommendationsApril 2026
Deadline for final complete application submission to NCI6/1/26
NCI Approval and Project Start Date9/1/26