Grad+ CaRE2

Program Overview

The CaRE2-Grad+ Program of the Florida-California Cancer Research, Education and Engagement (CaRE2) Health Equity Center is a collaboration among Florida A&M University, a minority serving institution (MSI), University of Florida, and University of Southern California. The CaRE2-Grad+ Program aims to meet the cancer research education needs of underrepresented minorities (URM) in Florida and California, especially Blacks and Latinos, by offering academic career development, mentorship, networking opportunities, and tailored education opportunities in cancer health disparities, with the objective of supporting career advancement for PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and early-stage investigators.

Esther Frimpong, PhD candidate at FAMU, presenting at the 2024 AACR Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Preferred Qualifications

Participating as a pre-doctoral student, postdoctoral fellow, or early stage investigator in research at FAMU, UF or USC

Dedicated to a career in cancer-related biomedical research career in basic, biomedical, clinical and behavioral and social sciences

Are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident from groups identified by NIH as underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences. This includes individuals from underrepresented minority or disadvantaged backgrounds


CaRE2 Grad+, our training program that provides academic career development, mentorship, and tailored cancer disparities research education opportunities for URM graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early stage investigators (ESIs).

How to Apply

Your application and supporting documentation should be submitted online via the application below.

Grad+ CaRE2 applications are open year round.

Supporting Documentation

For Grad+ applicants:

(1) a 1-page description of your career goals and objectives, personal attributes and motivations and desire for further training to focus on cancer health disparities research.

In addition, for Grad+ applicants who are PhD students and postdoctoral fellows:

(2) a statement of support for joining CaRE2 from your mentor, on letterhead and signed by your mentor.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Bereket Mochona: [email protected]
Dr. Jatinder Lamba: [email protected]
Dr. Ite Offringa: [email protected]