CaRE2 Virtual Health Fair

CaRE2 and the collaboration of the NAACP and Black Nurses Association held a Virtual Health Fair on June 16, 12PM EST/9AM PST. Our speakers spoke on various topics, including, oral health, mental health, prostate cancer, pancreas cancer, health conditions that put minorities at higher risk of developing cancer. #CaRE2HealthEquityCenter #VirtualHealthFair #NAACP #BlackNursesAssociation

Cancer Citizen Scientist Program Event

Please join our cancer citizen scientist program participants as they implement their research advocacy project within the community on June 9 at 2PM PST / 5PM EST. The event is centered on Pancreatic Cancer and CaRE2 researcher, Dr. Rogers, will be speaking. We are proud of their work and look forward to joining their event!

Congratulations Dr. Ricks-Santi!

Congratulations to Dr. Ricks-Santi for being appointed Associate Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the University of Florida Health Cancer Center! We are proud of your accomplishments! 👏🎉 #CaRE2HEC #CancerResearch #UFHealthCancerCenter

CaRE2 at the Festival of Life event – June 4, 2022

The CaRE2 team had a great time educating the community of Norris Cancer Hospital! Here they are in action! On June 4, 2022 our Community Outreach staff attended the Festival of Life event, where they provided patients and their families with cancer information.

Bioinformatics Webinar Series – Part 5

Please join us May 31 , 2022 for a CaRE2 Bioinformatics Core Webinar Series Part 5 held from 12-1PM EST/9-10AM PST via Zoom. #Care2HealthEquityCenter#CaRE2HEC#CancerResearch

Congratulations – Cancer Moonshot Program

In honor of #NationalCancerResearchMonth we would like to highlight three of our CaRE2 leaders’ new study funded by the Biden Administration’s Cancer Moonshot program. Drs. Carpten, Stern, and Baezconde-Garbanati will be launching their study examining Hispanics and Colorectal Cancer Genomics in the new few days!

CaRE2 May Webinar

Please join us May 27, 2022, for a CaRE2 Prostate Cancer Webinar held from 12-1PM EST/9-10AM PST via zoom. We will be welcoming CaRE2 leader Dr. Folakemi Odedina as our speaker. Dr. Odedina is a professor in Hematology and Oncology, site director at the Center for Health Equity and Community Engagement Research (CHCR) and the […]

Community Engagement Events

Join in on these two (2) events to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer on June 4, 2022. Please see the attachments for more information, all are invited to attend, one event is in-person and the other is virtual. Hope to see you there! #CancerResearch#ProstateCancerAwareness

Community Outreach Core Event

Check out our CaRE2 Community Outreach Core at USC at the KJLH Women’s Health Expo on Saturday, May 21! The team shared our CaRE2 toolkits, information pamphlets, and handed giveaways to over 200 community members! Way to go team! #cancerresearch #communityoutreach #communityengagement #KJLHWomenshealth

#CancerResearch – In celebration of National Cancer Research Month

In celebration of #NationalCancerResearchMonth CaRE2 would like to share several categories of cancer research provided by AACR. Cancer research has helped develop methods of prevention, early detection, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Cancer research saves lives! #CancerResearch #SavesLives #CaRE2HEC