Black History Month Spotlight

In celebration of Black History Month, we want to spotlight and celebrate all of our outstanding CaRE2 trainees and Early Stage Investigators👏 Learn more about them on our website: #CaRE2#CancerResearch#HealthDisparities#BHM#BlackHistoryMonth
Men’s Cancer Network, Inc., March Support Group

Join the Men’s Cancer Network, Inc. as they host their monthly Brother’s Cancer Support Meeting via zoom on March 18, at 10AM PST/1PM EST. Register in advance: Meeting Registration – Zoom #CaRE2HEC #MensCancerNetwork #MensHealth
Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our new CaRE2 PhD Student, Joel Sanchez Mendez. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday
Cancer Myths and Misconceptions Monday

Happy Cancer Myths and Misconceptions Monday! 🧐🧬👩🏽🔬 Feliz Lunes! Hoy empezamos la semana explicando mitos y malentendidos sobre el cancer. 🧪🤓🧫 #CancerResearch#CaRE2#CancerMythsandMisconceptions#LetsTalkAboutCancer#InvestigacionSobreElCancer#HablemosSobreElCancer
Black History Month Spotlight

In celebration of Black History Month, we want to spotlight and celebrate all of our outstanding CaRE2 core and project leaders👏 #CaRE2 #CancerResearch #HealthDisparities #BHM #BlackHistoryMonth
Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our CaRE2 Graduate Student, Michon Jackson. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday
Major Publication

CaRE2 had a major publication in the Journal of the National Medical Association. Congratulations to CaRE2 members Guettchina Telisnor, Esther Frimpong, and Drs Agyare, Rogers, Allen, Han, George, and Risks-Santi!👏 Title: “Review of genetic and pharmacogenetic differences in cytotoxic and targeted therapies for pancreatic cancer in African Americans” Article: #CaRE2 #CancerResearch #BlackHistoryMonth #PancreaticCancer
Black History Month- CaRE2 Spotlight: Dr. R. Renee Reams

In celebration of black history month, we’re highlighting our CaRE2 leaders. Dr. Reams is the Director of Career Enhancement Program and Professor of Biochemistry at FAMU. #CaRE2 #CancerResearch #HealthDisparities #ProstateCancer #BHM #BlackHistoryMonth
Cancer Myths and Misconceptions Monday

Happy Cancer Myths and Misconceptions Monday! 🧐🧬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #CancerMythsandMisconceptions #LetsTalkAboutCancer Feliz Lunes! Hoy empezamos la semana explicando mitos y malentendidos sobre el cancer. 🧪🤓🧫 #InvestigacionSobreElCancer#CaRE2#CaRE2HEC#HablemosSobreElCancer

Now #hiring! CaRE2 Health Equity Center, a collaboration between UF, FAMU and USC that works to eliminate cancer health disparities, is seeking a faculty leader. You will have the opportunity to establish a program of health disparities research. 👉