In memory of Anne Taguchi

We are incredibly saddened to announce the passing of Anne Taguchi. Anne was the USC CaRE2 Center administrator from 2018 until 2022, when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She helped submit the original grant proposal and build the center from the ground up. The center would not be here without Anne’s intelligence, dedication, and […]
Training Tuesday!

Congratulations to our CaRE2 postbac, Steven Ewell, on presenting at the annual American Chemical Society (ACS) in San Francisco, CA🎉👏 #TrainingTuesday #CaRE2HEC #Postbac
Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our CaRE2 PhD candidate, Cynthia Ramirez. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday
Congratulations – Pablo Puente

We are so proud to announce our CaRE2 postbac trainee Pablo Puente was accepted to medical school and has officially started his medical school career after completing his white coat ceremony. Pablo completed a year of training and research through our center. We are proud of all our trainees and wish them all much success. […]
Cancer Terminology Thursday / Jueves de Terminología del Cáncer

It’s Cancer Terminology Thursday! This week’s term is local therapy. 📚🔬🦠 Feliz Jueves de terminología del cáncer! El término de esta semana es terapia local. 📚🔬🦠 #CaRE2#CancerHealthEquity#CancerResearch#InvestigacíonSobreelCáncer
Cancer Myths and Misconceptions Monday/ Lunes De Mitos y Malentendidos Sobre El Cáncer

Happy Myths and Misconceptions Monday! 🕵🏽♂️ Feliz Lunes de Mitos y Malentendidos sobre el Cáncer! 🕵🏽♀️ #CancerResearch#InvestigacionSobreElCáncer#CaRE2HEC#CommunityHealth#CaRE2
CaRE2 Monthly Webinar – Dr. Melissa Davis

Please join us August 28 for our CaRE2 Monthly Webinar at 11AM PST/2PM EST via Zoom. Our guest speaker will feature Dr. Melissa Davis from Morehouse School of Medicine. Registration link: #CaRE2HEC #CancerResearch #CaRE2Webinar #CancerDisparities
Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our recent CaRE2 PhD graduate and new postdoctoral fellow, Jonathan Castillo. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday
Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our CaRE2 Graduate Student, Cynthia Begay. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday
Welcome back to school

Welcome back #FAMU, #UF, & #USC Students, CaRE2 is looking forward to the Fall Semester and making great things happen. #CaRE2HEC #backtoschool #CancerResearch