CaRE2 February Webinar

Please join us on February 20, for our CaRE2 Monthly Webinar at 10AM PT/1PM ET via Zoom featuring Dr. Booker from UF 👩‍🔬👨‍💻 Registration link: #CaRE2HEC #CancerResearch #CaRE2Webinar

The Heart of a Woman RED Luncheon

The Community Outreach Core attended the Heart of a Woman RED Luncheon where participants learned about heart health and financial literacy. Participants stopped by our table to register for our contact registry and hear about our upcoming events. #CaRE2 #CancerResearch #JacksonvilleFL #HeartHealth #HealthEquity

Training Tuesday!

Join us in celebrating our new CaRE2 graduate student, Kelsie Campbell. 🧪🔬👩🏽‍🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #TrainingTuesday #CancerHealthDisparities