CaRE2 Highlight

March is #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth! We would like to celebrate our leaders Dr. Carpten’s, Dr. Stern’s, and Dr. Baezconde’s center, COPECC: Center for Optimizing Engagement of Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Patients in Cancer Genomic Characterization Studies! Follow their social media channels @usccopecc and visit their website to learn more about their work!
Highlighting Women’s Health/ Destacando la salud de la mujer

In celebration of Women’s History Month, today we are highlighting women’s health information. En celebracion del Mes de la Mujer hoy compartimos informacion sobre la salud de la mujer. #WomensHealth #Saluddelamujer #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #InvestigacionSobreElCancer #WHM#CDC
CaRE2 Monthly Webinar

Please join us on March 31 for our CaRE2 Monthly Webinar at 11AM PST/2PM EST via Zoom. Our guest speaker will feature our CaRE2 Lung Project team, Drs Lamango, Huang, and Offringa. Registration link: #CaRE2HEC#CancerResearch#CaRE2Webinar
Bioinformatics Webinar Series

Please join us on March 28 for a CaRE2 Bioinformatics Core Webinar Series Part 6 held from 12-1PM EST/9-10AM PST via Zoom. Register in advance: #CaRE2HEC#CaRE2#CancerResearch#Bioinformatics
March – Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

#ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth. Learn more about what CRC is, the signs and symptoms, and screening guidelines. #CancerAwareness #ScreeningSavesLives #MesDeConcientizaciónsobreElCancerColorrectal. Obtenga más información sobre qué es el CRC, los signos y síntomas y las pautas de detección. #Concienciadelcáncer #Ladetecciónsalvavidas
Women’s History Month Spotlight

This #WomenWednesday we are honoring our newest leader in our Adminstrative Core, Dr. Janice Krieger! Dr. Krieger is a Professor at the University of Florida Health Cancer Center (UFHCC) Cancer Population Sciences research program. She has 20 years of experience developing and implementing mHealth interventions that utilize precision messaging techniques to reduce health inequities.#uf #healthequity #cancerresearch #Care2