CaRE2 Early Stage Investigator Spotlight

Join us in celebrating CaRE2 Early Stage Investigator Crystal Marconett. 🧪🔬👩🏽🔬 #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #LungCancer #CaRE2ESI #TrainingTuesday
Cancer Terminology Tuesday

Happy Cancer Terminology Tuesday, in recognition of pancreatic cancer awareness month, this week’s term is Pancreatic Cancer. #CancerResearch #CaRE2 #CaRE2HEC #PancreaticCancerAwarenessMonth #CancerTermTuesday
CaRE2 Publication

CaRE2 had a major publication in the Journal of American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Congratulations to CaRE2 members Dr. Awunti, Dr. Allen, Dr. Wilkie, Dr. Rogers, and Dr. Scarton! Title: A scoping review on the relationship between race/ethnicity and the receipt of supportive care medications during cancer treatment: Implications for the clinical pharmacist Link: