Congratulations Alexandra Jean-Louis!

Congratulations to our very own CaRE2 – ReTOOL trainee, Alexandra Jean-Louis, for being accepted to NIH’s OITE-Postbac Enrichment Program! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments thus far! #Care2HealthEquityCenter #CaRE2HEC #CancerResearch #PostbacCaRE2Program #ApplyToday #NationalMinorityHealthMonth #MinorityMonth #NIH #OITEPostbacEnrichmentProgram
2022 AACR Minority Scholar Award

Congratulations to our CaRE2 postbacs for recieving the 2022 AACR Minority Scholar Award! #Care2HealthEquityCenter#CaRE2HEC#CancerResearch#PostbacCaRE2Program#ApplyToday#NationalMinorityHealthMonth#MinorityMonth
Grad+ CaRE2 Program – 2022

Seeking all postdoc, fellow, and early stage investigator candidates! Our Grad+ CaRE2 program offers academic career development, mentorship, networking opportunities, and tailored education opportunities. Apply today by going to the application on our website. #Care2HealthEquityCenter #CaRE2HEC #CancerResearch #Grad+CaRE2Program #ApplyToday #Postdoc #Fellow #EarlyStageInvestigator