#TraineeTuesday – Alex Hightower

We would like to celebrate CaRE2 Trainee, Alex Hightower! Alex is currently enrolled in our Postbac CaRE2 Program. #TraineeTuesday #CancerDisparities #CancerResearch #CaRE2HEC #CaRE2HealthEquityCenter #NationalMinorityHealthMonth
Minority Cancer Facts – #MinorityMonday

In celebration of Minority Health Awareness Month, CaRE2 would like to share these minority cancer facts. CaRE2 offers Spanish and English educational materials on prostate cancer for Latino and African American men. Check them out on our website. #MinorityMonday #MinorityHealthAwarenessMonth #CaRE2HEC #CaRE2HealthEquityCenter #HealthEquity
CaRE2 at AACR 2022

Over the last several days CaRE2 leaders and postbacs have been presenting their research at the 2022 AACR Annual Meeting. What a great way to showcase their hard-work. CaRE2 is proud of each of your accomplishments! 👏👏 #AACR #CancerResearch #CaRE2HEC #CaRE2HealthEquity #AACCRAnnualMeeting2022 #Cancer #HealthDisparities #MinorityHealthMonth
2022 Award for Community Engaged Teaching and Research – Dr. Baeconde-Garbanati

Congrats to CaRE2 Community Outreach Core leader, Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati, who is the recipient of the Joint Educational Project at USC 2022 Award for Community Engaged Teaching and Research. This award honors a USC faculty member whose teaching and/or research is conducted in partnership with communities to address community-defined needs. #care2 #healthequity #cancerresearch
Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month

Join CaRE2 as we celebrate Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month! #HeadandNeckCancerAwarenessMonth #HeadandNeckCancer #CancerResearch #CaRE2HEC #CaRE2HealthEquityCenter
Superior Accomplishment Award – Amelia Greenlee

Congratulations to CaRE2 staff member Amelia Greenlee on receiving the Superior Accomplishment Award! #CaRE2HEC #CaRE2 #CancerResearch #Congratulations #Award